The Significance of water on Wellbeing- Anna Markelin

In the coming months I will introduce a few KAFTAN(EN) users who are sharing their thoughts on water and wellbeing. I hope their thoughts will inspire you.

First out is Anna Markelin. Anna works as a Personal Trainer and online Coach and is a huge inspiration in the field of health and wellbeing. Many women and men get up early in the morning to join her CrossNature lessons in parks all over Helsinki. Anna lives in Grankulla, Finland.

'I have never been much of a swimmer, in fact the element of water has always seemed a bit overwhelming to me, almost frightening. It wasn´t until recently that I started to feel a connection with the sea and an urge to jump in and feel the water around me.
I started my winter swimming journey a few years ago together with an avid "hole in the ice" friend. With a lot of patience, she showed me how to overcome my fear and how to relax – this was the beginning to what I hope is a lifelong relationship with cold water exposure. I prefer early morning dips in the sea. I think it was menopause that tipped me over the edge - one day I just felt this almost physical urge to just walk straight out into the sea, it was so sudden and so strong. When I finally got around to start my winter swims, or dips rather, I got exactly the result I was longing for. A sense of calm, everything still, heartrate slowing down and all the everyday noise disappearing.  
Right now, I am facing some health challenges and cold exposure is not working, but I long for the moment when I, again, can slowly immerse myself in cold water on a calm winter morning.'

- Anna, I will join you for your first dip once you are well again. Pia/Founder of Helgabad

Anna Markelin after her morning dip.


The Significance of Water on Wellbeing - Peppe Öhman


Coldwater Swimming